



Kholmogorka State Farm, Volokolamsk District was established before 1941. The date of its foundation could not be determined. Kholmogorka State Farm was part of the Moscow Cattle Breeding Trust.
Volokolamsk Zooveterinary College was organized in 1942 at the premises of Ivanovo Agricultural College.
In 1919, Ivanovo Young Communist International Pedagogical College was established on the lands of ex-Count Bezobrazov. Its major objective was training pedagogic staff and teachers.
In 1929, Ivanovo Pedagogical College was renamed as Ivanovo Agricultural College preparing specialists with secondary education as agriculturists, zootechnicians and flax growers.
The records of Kholmogorka State Farm and Volokolamsk Zooveterinary College up to and including 1941 have been lost due to occupation of Volokolamsk District by the German fascist invaders.
Pursuant to Decision of the Moscow Region Executive Committee No.319 dated 07/03/47, the Moscow Region Land Department (MRLD) and the Moscow Region Cattle Breeding Department merged into the Moscow Region Administration for Agriculture (MRAA)* .
In Volokolamsk District, the Land Department and the Cattle Breeding Department were transformed into the Agriculture Department of the Volokolamsk District Executive Committee of Workers’ Deputies’ Council.
Based on Decision No.694/19 of the Moscow Region Executive Committee dated 12/06/53 ‘On reorganization of administrations and departments of the Moscow Region Council’s Executive Committees’, the Administration for Agriculture, departments and trusts merged into one administration – the Administration for Agriculture and Procurement of the Moscow Region Executive Committee.
In the districts, Departments for Agriculture transformed into District Administrations for Agriculture, including the Volokolamsk Department for Agriculture. **
Pursuant to the Decision of the Moscow Region Executive Committee No. 1655/33 dated 19/12/53, the Moscow Region Administration for Agriculture and Procurement was reorganized in the Administration for Agriculture. The Administration for Agriculture and Procurement of the Volokolamsk District Executive Committee of Workers’ Deputies’ Council was liquidated. Kholmogorka State Farm became subordinate directly to the Administration for Agriculture of the Moscow Region Executive Committee. *
On 19/07/55, Kholmogorka State Farm was managed by the Moscow Region State Farm Administration through the Moscow Vegetable Trust.
On 13/11/57, the Dairy and Cattle Breeding State Farm Trust was organized at the premises of the Moscow Region State Farm Administration and the Moscow Vegetable Trust. *** Kholmogorka State Farm became part of the Dairy and Cattle Breeding Trust.
Before 1960, Kholmogorka State Farm used to have 3 branches:
  • Krasnaya Zarya
  • Pokrovskoye
  • Tsentralnoye
Pursuant to the Decision of the Moscow Region Executive Committee No. 302 dated 12/03/60, the Moscow Region State Farm Administration and the Moscow Region Administration for Agriculture merged into the Administration for Agriculture of the Moscow Region Executive Committee. The Moscow Region Administration for Agriculture manages Kholmogorka State Farm through the Dairy and Cattle Breeding Trust.
Based on Decision No 92 of the Volokolamsk District Executive Committee of Workers’ Deputies’ Council dated 14/03/60 ‘On organization of new and enlargement of existing state farms of Volokolamsk District’, Kholmogorka State Farm was enlarged by alignment with collective farms Bolshevik (Chentsy Village), Bolshevik Way (Vozmische Village), Druzhba (Verigino Village), Rozhdestvensk branch of Volokolamsky State Farm.
Pokrovskoye branch of Kholmogorka State Farm was transferred for land using by newly established Chismensky State Farm.
Resulting of the enlargement, Kholmogorka State Farm has the following departments:
  • Krasnaya Zarya
  • Vozmische
  • Schekino
  • Tsentralnoye
By the decision of the Moscow Region Executive Committee № 624 dated 13/06/61, the Moscow Region State Farm Administration (MRSFA) was organized and obtained direct control of the Dairy and Cattle Breeding State Farm Trust (MRCSA, f.2157, inv.1, rec.5886, sh. 29-35).
Order No.16 (MRCSA, f.191,inv.1, rec.2919) for the Moscow Region State Farm Administration dated 08/02/62 abolished branch trusts of state farms and, instead, established territorial state farm trusts, including Volokolamsk State Farm Trust that also received Kholmogorka State Farm.
Owing to liquidation of the RSFSR Ministry of State Farms on 24 March 1962 (Decree of the CPSU Central Committee and the Council of Ministers of the USSR), the Moscow Region State Farm Administration and the Moscow Region Administration for Agriculture were liquidated on 23 April 1962, and the Moscow Region Administration for Production and Procurement of Agricultural Products was established based thereon. In the region, the same Decree established 8 inter-district territorial production state and collective farm administrations, including the Volokolamsk Administration with subordinated Kholmogorka State Farm.
Based on the enlarged rural districts, the Decree of the Bureau of the CPSU Moscow Committee and the Executive Committee of the Moscow Region (Rural) Workers’ Deputies’ Council dated 11 January 1963 and Order No.7 of the CPSU Moscow Region Administration for Production and Procurement of Agricultural Products dated 18 January 1963, 12 production state and collective farm administrations were established, including the Volokolamsk Administration with subordinated Kholmogorka State Farm.
Based on Order No. 246 of the Moscow Region Administration for Production and Procurement of Agricultural Products dated 21/12/63, Kholmogorka State Farm was reorganized into Kholmogorka State Stud Farm.
The main activity of the Kholmogorka State Stud Farm is breeding pedigree cattle of black-and-white breed.
The Decree of the Bureau of the Moscow Committee and the Executive Committee of the Moscow Region Council dated 12 February 1965 and Order of the Moscow Region Administration for Production and Procurement of Agricultural Products No. 18 dated 23 February 1965 established 16 production state and collective farm agricultural administrations at the premises of the existing partially fragmented production state and collective farm administrations; Kholmogorka State Farm became subordinate to the Volokolamsk Production State and Collective Farm Administration. After Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee dated March 1965, the Moscow Region Administration for Production and Procurement of Agricultural Products was liquidated, and the Moscow Region Administration for Agriculture was founded (Order No.1 of MRAA dated 16/03/65).*
During reorganization of the Moscow Region Administration for Agriculture by order of the RSFSR Ministry of Agriculture No.9 dated 08/06/72, the Moscow Region Production Association of State Farms was separated therefrom, to which all state farms, administrations and trusts were transferred from subordination to MRAA. Instead of Interdistrict Administrations for Agriculture, Interdistrict Production Associations of State Farms were established. Kholmogorka State Stud Farm became subordinate to the Volokolamsk Interdistrict Production Association of State Farms.
In April-May 1975 (12-04-11.05.75), based on the Moscow Region Production Association of State Farms, the Production Administration for Agriculture of the Moscow Region Executive Committee was established and entrusted with management of agricultural production development in collective and state farms of the region.
Due to formation of the new agriculture management system, State Farm Trusts and Interdistrict Production Associations of State Farms were liquidated.
Order No.1 of the Production Administration for Agriculture of the Moscow Region Executive Committee dated 12/05/75 established the Production Administration for Agriculture of the Executive Committee of the Volokolamsk City Workers’ Deputies’ Council, to the control of which Kholmogorka State Stud Farm was transferred.
Under the Order of the RSFSR Ministry of Agriculture No. 1411 dated 21/12/76, Kholmogorka State Farm College was organized at the premises of Kholmogorka State Stud Farm and Volokolamsk Zooveterinary College. The main lines of its activity was breeding cattle of black-and-white breed and preparing zooveterinary specialists with secondary education.
Kholmogorka State Farm College used to have four departments and its Educational Unit.
Pursuant to the Order of the RSFSR Ministry of Agriculture No. 609 dated 01/07/80, the Production Administration for Agriculture of the Moscow Region Executive Committee was reorganized into the Main Production Administration for Agriculture of the Moscow Region Executive Committee.
Since 13/01/83, the Main Production Administration for Agriculture was reorganized into the Main Administration for Agriculture (Order of MPAA No.9 dated 13/01/83).
Under the Order of the RSFSR Ministry of Agriculture No. 418 dated 16/11/83 ‘On improvement of the agriculture management structure in Moscow Region’, the Production Administration for Agriculture of the Executive Committee of the Volokolamsk City People’s Deputies’ Council was reorganized into the Administration for Agriculture of the Executive Committee of the Volokolamsk City People’s Deputies’ Council.
According to the Decree of the USSR Council of Ministers No.1114 dated 14/01/85 ‘On further improvement of the agro-industrial complex management’, under the Decision of the Executive Committee of the Volokolamsk City People’s Deputies’ Council No. 17/2 dated 16/01/86 ‘On establishment of the District Agro-Industrial Association (DAIA)’, the Volokolamsk District Agro-Industrial Association was founded and included Kholmogorka State Farm College (Annex No. 1 to Decision No.17/2 dated 16/01/86 of the Executive Committee of the Volokolamsk City People’s Deputies’ Council).
Pursuant to the Order of the RSFSR State Agriculture Committee of the Non-Chernozem Zone No.395 dated 26/12/88 and Decision of the Council of Volokolamsk Agro-Industrial Combine dated 19/01/89 ‘On liquidation of Volokolamsk DAIA’, the Volokolamsk Agro-Industrial Association was liquidated, and Volokolamsk Agro-Industrial Combine was established based thereon and comprised Kholmogorka State Farm College.
Pursuant to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No.1 dated 28/12/91 ‘On reforming the state management system of the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation’ and Decree of the Moscow Region Government dated 23/01/92, based on the Decree of the Head of Volokolamsk District Administration No.13 dated 10/01/93 ‘On the state management system of the Volokolamsk District Agro-Industrial Complex, the Agro-Industrial Combine was dissolved, and the Volokolamsk District Administration for Agriculture was established. Kholmogorka State Farm College became submitted to the Administration for Agriculture. *
In accordance with Decree of the Russian President ‘On urgent measures for implementing the land reform in the RSFSR’ dated 27/12/91, RF Government’s Resolution No.708 dated 04/09/92 ‘On the procedure for privatization and reorganization of the agro-industrial complex enterprises and organizations’ and based on Order of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture and Food No.102 dated 12/05/94, Kholmogorka State Farm College was renamed into Kholmogorka State Farm College Stud Farm.
Kholmogorka State Farm College Stud Farm was registered by the Property Management Committee of the Volokolamsk District Administration on 20/03/95, registration number 468.
Pursuant to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Russian Law ‘On Education’, in the revision of Federal Law No. 12-ФЗ dated 13/01/96 State Educational Institution Kholmogorka State Farm College Stud Farm was renamed into State Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education Kholmogorka State Farm College.
State Educational Institution Kholmogorka State Farm College retains the rights and obligations of the State Educational Institution Kholmogorka State Farm College Stud Farm and is controlled by the Department of HR Policy and Education of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture and Food.
On 29/11/2000, the Russian Ministry of Agriculture and Food was reorganized into the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.
By virtue of the Order of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture No.1069 dated 27/12/2000 ‘On Federal State Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education Volokolamsk Agricultural College Kholmogorka of Moscow Region’ and State Registration Certificate No. 50:07:00342 dated 16/02/2001, Federal State Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education Volokolamsk Agricultural College Kholmogorka was registered.
The institution operates under the Russian Constitution, the Russian Civil Code, Federal Law ‘On Education’ No. 12-FZ, revision dated 13/01/96, decrees and orders of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Education, standard regulation approved by the Russian Government’s Resolution No. 1168 dated 14/10/94 and approved by the Articles, which ensures the right to education based on compliance with state policy principles in education. The institution is a legal entity; it has an independent balance sheet, settlement and other accounts with bank institutions, seal and stamp.
The institution structure consists of the Educational Unit and work-study farm, which is a base for practical training of students.
All production branches: Vozmische, Schekino, Krasnaya Zarya, Tsentralnoye were liquidated. Legal address: Ivanovskoye Village, Volokolamsk District, Moscow Region.

The main objectives of the institution are as follows:

  • satisfying the society’s needs for specialists with secondary vocational education
  • retraining and advanced training
  • production, processing and sale of agricultural products and products of subsidiary subdivisions
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